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The increased need for new technologies in agribusiness, connecting people industry wide and the use of highly reliable equipment, makes all the difference in the productivity of farms. Erfahren Sie mehr
Highly recommended for a wide variety of industrial applications, Urethane was specifically produced for floor coating in food and beverage areas due to its high resistance to chemicals and its antimicrobial properties Erfahren Sie mehr
The company, one of the largest producers of Iberian pork products in Extremadura (Spain), have an estimated annual savings in cold production energy costs around EUR 27,000. Erfahren Sie mehr
WEG Direct Drive System operates the cooling tower and reduces operating costs at the Brazilian juice production plant Citrosuco. Erfahren Sie mehr
Specially designed low-voltage motors from WEG and geared motors from WEG’s subsidiary Watt Drive turned into a solution for KGV-H indust... Erfahren Sie mehr
Savings results greater than previous averages of similar WEG solutions. Erfahren Sie mehr
Project lowers electric energy consumption by 70% and reduces equipment wear. Erfahren Sie mehr
WEG solutions ensure productivity and energy saving in the food production process. Erfahren Sie mehr