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The equipment is now operational at Ledesma's industrial complex Erfahren Sie mehr
The project will not only help reduce environmental impact. It will also convert waste into clean energy that can supply power for approximately 320,000 people Erfahren Sie mehr
Located in Minas Gerais, Usina Uberaba invests in technology for energy cogeneration Erfahren Sie mehr
With WEG's solutions, the customer could save up to 500 liters of water per minute, which in a year would be enough to fill more than 100 Olympic-sized swimming pools Erfahren Sie mehr
The 52MW Turbine will operate with steam generated from urban waste, driving an electric generator to produce enough energy to power over 100,000 households Erfahren Sie mehr
WEG solutions for Inpasa totalize more than 230 MW in power generation Erfahren Sie mehr
This is another important supply in the power generation sector, in addition to contributing to the generation of renewable energy. Erfahren Sie mehr
Cerradão power plant leverages its electricity generation with one of the largest equipment in the sector in Brazil. Erfahren Sie mehr
With the application of WEG equipment, Oleoplan will be self-sufficient in terms of power generation for its industrial operations. Erfahren Sie mehr
Some units are successfully operating in sugars mills in Zimbabwe and Angola. Erfahren Sie mehr