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With this solution, the plant reaffirms its commitment to sustainable practices, solidifying its leadership in clean and efficient energy generation Know more
Investments in large-scale projects drive the growth of the pulp and paper segment in Brazil Know more
The partnership between the companies advances with the signing of the commercialization agreement, driving mobility Know more
The solutions will provide the necessary infrastructure for the efficient operation of Brazauro Recursos Minerais' Tocantinzinho Project Know more
Hybrid paper technology should extend the life of transformers Know more
By choosing to repair the transformer, the customer will gain in energy efficiency and contribute to the reuse of natural resources Know more
Laboratory provides students with the opportunity to work on demonstration benches getting skilled with WEG products Know more
The application of WEG solutions will contribute to the supply of drinking water to the population of the Metropolitan Area of the Valley of Mexico (ZMVM) Know more
The event in Paris brought together experts from several countries to share best practices in the development of technological solutions Know more
Equipment must follow globally established and recognized standards Know more