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Empresa abre inscrições para inserir novos projetos sociais no escopo de incentivo fiscal Know more
Ação contou com a participação de familiares dos fundadores da WEG e do Presidente da Companhia, Harry Schmelzer Jr. Know more
WEG’s initiatives were intended to meet two of the seventeen UN Sustainable Development Goals. Know more
With the help of volunteer employees from the company, WEG planted more than 900 native trees on one of its properties. Know more
The WEG Science and Technology Museum was upgraded with the installation of a photovoltaic system capable of supplying 70% of the electricity consumed by the building! Know more
WEG was one of 229 Brazilian companies assessed by Exame de Sustentabilidade 2019 Directory. Know more
A Veículo Elétrico Latino-Americano que acontece entre os dias 01 a 3 de outubro em São Paulo (SP) Know more
DJSI, developed by Dow Jones and the RobecoSAM Group, was the first global index to assess corporate sustainability considering the economic, environmental and social development aspects Know more
WEG receives compliance Certificate for the UN Sustainable Development Goals Know more