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A tecnologia do sistema gerador para o Range Extender alia a sustentabilidade do veículo elétrico à autonomia e flexibilidade do motor à combustão flex, contribuindo para atingir a neutralidade de carbono Know more
Durante o evento, a WEG apresentará sua linha completa de carregadores elétricos, motores de tração e tintas para o setor automotivo Know more
The new fleet of four buses is 100% Brazilian-made Know more
The company will present solutions developed to accelerate electric mobility, such as powertrains, ultra-fast charging stations and coatings Know more
Ônibus elétrico fará o roteiro do circuito da inovação com a comunidade. Know more
Improved technology, sustainability, connectivity and safety for you and your electric vehicle. Know more
The agreement includes the supply of two types of charging stations, technical support to customers and installation of the equipment. Know more
Parceria da Renault com a WEG, ABR Energias, BRAFER e Sistema Fiep permitiram o desenvolvimento do protótipo da Garagem Fotovoltaica no Complexo Industrial Ayrton Senna Know more
The agreement provides for the supply of charging stations, technical visits to customers, and installation of the equipment. Know more
The partnership between both companies will help reducing carbon dioxide on the island Know more