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WCG20 gearmotor line offers greater performance to the fertilizer industry Know more
Com a integração das Soluções WEG para fabricantes de máquinas, do painel elétrico, passando pelas Soluções Digitais Smart Connection e WEG Smart Machine o cliente garantirá uma operação mais eficiente e pronta para a Indústria 4.0 Know more
A companhia será expositora com diversas soluções desenvolvidas para o setor, com destaque em produtos solares voltados para o agronegócio Know more
Bem Brasil is the largest potato producer in Brazil and has invested in the generation of its own power supply. Know more
Local foi pintado com primer de alto desempenho e boa retenção de cor Know more
The increased need for new technologies in agribusiness, connecting people industry wide and the use of highly reliable equipment, makes all the difference in the productivity of farms. Know more
The company was the winner of the LIDE AGRIBUSINESS 2019 Award within the “Agribusiness Technology” Know more
Evento aconteceu de 14 a 16 de maio em Pelotas (RS) Know more
Designed and manufactured at the WEG Maia facility in Portugal, these flameproof motors will be driving Boiler Feed Water, Lean and Semi-Lean Solution Pumps. Know more