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The powder paint line, Politherm Architech, was chosen to provide full protection for metallic buildboards in different market segments. Know more
The Schurmann Family is the first Brazilian family to circumnavigate the world on a sailboat named Kat and they have done this a few times already. Know more
Developed for the high performance automotive refinish, the W-Acqua line is the first water base line produced in Brazil, providing agility in customer service and many other benefits. Know more
Granted by the largest appliance manufacturer in Brazil, this award ranks WEG as the best supplier of paints and electric motors. Know more
Key projects were gained by WEG in the main countries for mining business such as, Canada, Chile, South Africa, and Australia Know more
Focused on the production of powder and industrial liquid paints, the new plant will expand the product portfolio and the company's verticalization in the region. Know more
The new postcard of Rio de Janeiro was opened today (06) Know more
Highly recommended for a wide variety of industrial applications, Urethane was specifically produced for floor coating in food and beverage areas due to its high resistance to chemicals and its antimicrobial properties Know more
The production of sustainable liquid coatings is achieved with the applications of water-based component instead of solvent-based component, as well as in high solid products Know more
Latin America´s largest Oil & Gas exhibition takes place in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Know more