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With excellent results achieved, the concessionaire Águas de Juturnaíba was nominated as a finalist for the National Sanitary Quality Award (PNQS) ABES Know more
The solution was fully customized in an interchangeable design with minimal on-site modifications Know more
Partnership between WEG, Thames Water and BGEN replaces large motors at Ashford Commom water treatment plant Know more
Nearly 800,000 inhabitants of the region will benefit from the water supply Know more
The Canoas Wastewater Lift Station - a key part in the effort to clean the Bogotá River. This solution will raise residential wastewater to ground level, allowing it to be conveyed by means of gravity Know more
Project reinforces WEG’s capacity by supplying solutions for the water industry Know more
The international water market increasingly required innovative products and infrastructure to meet global demand. Know more
The solution provided by WEG detects non-revenue water from the municipality of Jaraguá do Sul’s water distribution system. Know more
Project will bring water to about 70 municipalities in the Northeastern Brazil Know more
Local branch Zest WEG expertise was key point for Sebokeng WWTW upgrade project Know more