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Entity awards prominent business leaders from all over Brazil. Besides Décio da Silva, four other businessmen of the state Santa Catarina... Saiba mais
WEG was awarded the Caterpillar bronze certification for meeting quality requirements. It is the first supplier of electrical products to... Saiba mais
Winner of the Prêmio Inovar para Crescer (Innovate to Grow Award) in the category Innovative Business Personality, Eggon João da Silva, o... Saiba mais
The Boston Consulting Group publishes its list of the Top 100 Global Challengers of emerging countries at the 39th World Forum in Davos. ... Saiba mais
The WEG Training Center – CENTROWEG – was recognized for ensuring professional career to over 2.2 thousand young students. The ceremony t... Saiba mais
The Remote Education used by WEG to train its collaborators allowed SENAI/SC to qualify for the e-Learning Brasil 2008 award finals in th... Saiba mais
For the fifth time, WEG has been recognized as one of the 150 best companies to work for in Brazil, according to a study conducted by Exa... Saiba mais
Two units of the WEG Group received the "Delivery Efficiency" award from Atlas Copco, a customer that is the market leader in the Compres... Saiba mais
WEG , a leader company in the manufacturing of electric equipment with presence in all 5 continents. Saiba mais