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This seminar is considered the largest in Latin America and the second largest in the world Know more
In addition to the special configuration with dual input, the equipment uses ester oil, a more sustainable vegetable oil option Know more
With the high demand for connectivity and information security, the need for Data Centers is increasing more and more! Know more
Modernization solutions were developed for 29 substations, conducted simultaneously, with the management of WEG Colombia's Substation Business Center Know more
In addition to developing the EPC project for Nestlé in the “switchgear” and “step-down” substations, WEG will also make adaptations in two other substations of the local Comission Federal de Electricidad (CFE) utility company Know more
The investments will allow the company to increase production capacity in products and solutions to the transmission and distribution market Know more
With the expansion of the energy distribution capacity, the seven transformers will provide more comfort and safety to the population of Barranquilla. Know more
This supply will be essential for the planning and reliability of the country´s energy distribution system. Know more
Manufacturing vegetable oil transformers proves WEG's commitment to the environment! Know more
The equipment will serve as stand-by for the 4 transformers in the synchronous compensator system Know more