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Investments in large-scale projects drive the growth of the pulp and paper segment in Brazil Know more
WEG's technological solutions enhance efficiency, reliability, and sustainability in the pulp sector Know more
Hybrid paper technology should extend the life of transformers Know more
A 45 MW extraction backpressure steam turbine from WEG will be adding to Sappi Saiccor’s energy generating capacity at its MgO3 plant. The power generated will be used for internal consumption Know more
The motors were manufactured at WEG facilities in Portugal. Know more
Through a customized system, the customer has already achieved an efficiency increase of more than 6% in just a few months Know more
The scope of the supply included electric motors, electrical panels, transformers and variable frequency drives, totaling more than 6,300 items delivered Know more
The scope of supply involves more than 3,000 items, including: distribution transformers, high-efficiency motors, electrical panels and drives Know more
Puma II Project is part of the company's new investment cycle and will place 910,000 tons of paper annually on the market Know more
The solution package included turbogenerators, e-houses, MCC's, frequency inverters, electric motors and dry type transformers. Know more