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The yearly list includes every company that offers the best opportunities for professional growth Know more
Elected for the fourth consecutive year, WEG was ranked second in the Multi-Sector Industries category in the 150 Best Companies to Work conducted by Você SA Magazine. Know more
“Valor Carreira 2019” Directory chose WEG as one of the top five HR Management companies with more than 17,001 employees. WEG was the only company in the capital goods segment to be awarded. Know more
WEG was elected by Você S.A Magazine, the best company to work for in Brazil, for the Multi-Sector Industries category Know more
Valor Carreira 2017 Directory selected WEG as one of the top five companies in Human Resource Management (IRM) for organizations with over 17,000 employees. Know more
Chosen by Você S/A human resources magazine, WEG makes part of a selected group of Brazilian companies that best care for its employees. Know more