In the WEG case, the SENAI/SC has introduced remote schooling with 36 courses in three languages (portuguese, spanish and english), with the participation of approximately 5 thousand employees and a total of 31,440 registrations. Requests came from 21 countries and nine cities in Brazil. The target audience were WEG professionals affected with the implantation of the new ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) system. ERP is an integrated management system solution which comprehends management practices, business processes and technology which include every business sector of a company.

This case will also be presented at the Remote Education Seminar on June 12th and 13th, na event which runs parallel to the Knwoledge Olympics 2008 at the Vila Germanica in Blumenau.

The e-Learning award is promoted by MicroPower with the patronage of Intel and Microsot, promotional support by ABRH-SP, ADVB, FENADVB, ABED and Semesp, institutional support by ABRH National, FIESP System, T&D Magazine-Corporate Intelligence and The aim is to stimulate entrepreneurial organizations to use technical resources to promote continuous education of their collaborators and students, raising their abuility, performance and result contribution levels and the global competitivity levels of brazilian institutions.