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The application of WEG solutions will contribute to the supply of drinking water to the population of the Metropolitan Area of the Valley of Mexico (ZMVM) Know more
WEG apoiará iniciativa do UNICEF em escolas com menor índice de cobertura relacionada ao acesso a serviços de abastecimento de água, esgotamento sanitário e banheiros adequados para o uso seguro no Amazonas Know more
Through actions and solutions for the segment, the company is contributing to a more sustainable future Know more
The motors will be driven 14 lift stations Know more
The WEG branch in Portugal is responsible for manufacturing and supplying the W22 vertical motors in Europe Know more
The company participated in all stages of the supply, from design to commissioning and start-up Know more
WEG solutions will help in providing potable water supply for the Province of Córdoba Know more
High-efficiency Motors for Sustainable Water Solutions Know more
The wastewater pumping station will allow the future Canoas WWTP to treat 70% of Bogotá's wastewater Know more
With excellent results achieved, the concessionaire Águas de Juturnaíba was nominated as a finalist for the National Sanitary Quality Award (PNQS) ABES Know more