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Investments in large-scale projects drive the growth of the pulp and paper segment in Brazil Erfahren Sie mehr
The transformers will be essential to ensure a reliable and efficient energy supply for Petrobahia’s diverse operations. Erfahren Sie mehr
WG20 S arrives to further strengthen the gearbox portfolio Erfahren Sie mehr
Hybrid paper technology should extend the life of transformers Erfahren Sie mehr
The equipment is now operational at Ledesma's industrial complex Erfahren Sie mehr
The technology developed by WEG increases asset lifespan and reduces maintenance time on oil platforms Erfahren Sie mehr
Synchronous motors reinforce water supply security in Rio de Janeiro Erfahren Sie mehr
Caterpillar awards WEG for Supplying alternators with exceptional quality standards Erfahren Sie mehr
The event in Paris brought together experts from several countries to share best practices in the development of technological solutions Erfahren Sie mehr