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With this solution, the plant reaffirms its commitment to sustainable practices, solidifying its leadership in clean and efficient energy generation Erfahren Sie mehr
The transformers will be essential to ensure a reliable and efficient energy supply for Petrobahia’s diverse operations. Erfahren Sie mehr
Investments aim to meet the growing demand for electrical infrastructure and consolidate the company's leadership in the Transmission & Distribution market Erfahren Sie mehr
The transformers will be present in the states of Tocantins and Pará Erfahren Sie mehr
The equipment ensures a strong presence for the company in the sugar market Erfahren Sie mehr
The solutions will bring more reliability to energy supply across the country Erfahren Sie mehr
The solution intended for use in the Energisa Rondônia electrical system enables real-time monitoring, control, and automation of operations Erfahren Sie mehr
Com foco em Monitoramento de Rede, o encontro teve como objetivo difundir as soluções digitais WEG para subestações, contribuir no processo de evolução tecnológica, apresentar produtos, inovações e aplicações reais para clientes e parceiros Erfahren Sie mehr
WEG dry-type transformers will play an important role in the Bom Jesus school substation Erfahren Sie mehr
The system will support the utility’s reliable provision of electricity through their transmission and distribution network in the North American market Erfahren Sie mehr