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O evento aconteceu durante a semana de Inovação 2023 Know more
Industrial relationship program seeks to develop technological innovation in partnership with one of the largest technology centers in the world Know more
A cerimônia aconteceu durante a Semana da Inovação WEG, que também reconheceu e valorizou os colaboradores com iniciativas de intraempreendedorismo e inovação aberta Know more
O evento reuniu mais de 50 colaboradores para conectar ideias e acelerar soluções Know more
With tests at WEG, the motor is submitted to conditions similar to those of the application Know more
O evento WINVENT premiou ao todo 99 colaboradores Know more
Wind turbine is part of the project for the first National Wind Turbine, which is intended to develop national technology and production chain for the manufacture and installation of large size equipment in the country Know more
Empresa venceu na categoria Automação Predial com as estações de recarga de veículo elétricos WEMOB Know more
Bringing its concept to the factories, the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) leverages technology advantages for higher efficiency on industrial production processes. Know more
WEG was honored with the National Innovation Award offered by the National Confederation of Industry Know more