One of four motors operated by SABESP at Santa Inês Lifting Station, responsible for pumping water into the Cantareira System, was completely revamped by WEG. The project scope was to repair the rotor and stator of the 20,000 HP motor, 10 poles and 13.2 kV. The challenges of this project were the enormous physical size of the equipment and the short lead-time to complete the installation. The project contract was only 80 days long and required WEG São Bernardo do Campo unit to assemble and start-up this motor in the field.

Despite São Paulo’s recent drought, the Cantareira System receives water from other dams allowing the repaired motor to pump and distribute water to the area population. “The project reestablished the normal operating conditions of the Cantareira production system and ensured the uninterrupted water supply for the metropolitan region of São Paulo City, providing a continued Water supply for nearly nine million people”, said Carlos Roberto Dardis, North Metropolitan Hydro Resources Manager.

SABESP is responsible for the water supply of 14 million people in the city of São Paulo and 62 other cities in the state of São Paulo. In addition to the water supply, the company also operates the collection and treatment of sewage in 364 cities in the state of São Paulo.

About the product :

Repair of the rotor and stator of a 20,000 HP motor, 10 poles, 13,2 kV. Assembly and start-up performed in the field.